A tooth extraction is a procedure performed routinely in most dental offices. While dentists work hard to save natural teeth, situations may arise that make pulling the tooth the best option for oral and overall health, such as extensive decay, infection, or overcrowding.
Yet, despite the reason for the extraction, the healing time varies from patient to patient. Knowing what to expect can ensure you are prepared for anything that comes your way.
Timeline for Healing from a Tooth Extraction
You will go through different phases after having a tooth pulled by the dentist. Here is a general breakdown of the healing process.
The First 24 Hours
Immediately following your tooth extraction, a blood clot will form in the empty socket. This will help stop the bleeding and allow the area to begin healing. As the numbness wears off, expect to feel some minor discomfort. You may even experience bleeding and swelling, too.
Be sure to follow the aftercare instructions provided to you by your dentist.
Days 2-3
Soreness is often common during these days, but the bleeding should have stopped. Some swelling may also still be present and should be subsiding over the next day or two. Note that wisdom tooth removal can cause extensive swelling that may stick around longer.
Week 1
As you reach the end of week one, post-extraction, you will find that the gums surrounding the surgical area are beginning to heal and cover the site. Any stitches that were put in can be removed around this time and you should be feeling much better.
Weeks 2-3
A couple weeks down and you may feel some tenderness in the area where the tooth was extracted. Nonetheless, it shouldn’t be overly bothersome or stop you from returning to your normal daily schedule. By this time in the healing process, new tissue should be forming over the socket.
Months 1-3
The soft tissue will make the extraction site appear to be healed. However, the bone underneath the surface is still healing and may be for several months. This should not interfere with your day-to-day life. If you are planning on getting a dental implant, you will need to wait until the healing is complete first.
Remember, every patient is different. Attending all of your follow-up appointments can ensure that you are healing as you should.
Frequently Asked Questions
How painful is a tooth extraction?
Tooth extractions are performed using local anesthesia to numb the area so you will not feel any pain or discomfort. As it begins to wear off, you will likely feel some discomfort as the area begins to heal. Over-the-counter medication is usually all you need to find relief.
When can I eat normally after a tooth extraction?
For the first couple of days following your tooth extraction, it is best to stick to soft foods. You can slowly start to introduce solid foods back in as you heal.
Learn More About Tooth Extractions in Montgomery, AL
Do you need a tooth pulled? The team at Smile Makers Comprehensive Dentistry understands that sometimes restoration is not possible. We are there to remove the tooth and help you decide the next steps to boost your oral health.
Contact us today at 334-277-5498. Or, request an appointment online.