Dental Emergencies in Montgomery

We’re committed to providing our patients with personalized, compassionate dental care, even in unexpected situations. If you’re dealing with a dental emergency during our regular office hours, we will give your situation immediate attention and arrange to see you as soon as we’re able.
Should you need urgent dental care during a time when our practice is closed, call our office and listen carefully to the recorded message. One of our staff members will return your call as soon as possible to provide assistance. If you have a serious or life-threatening emergency, call 911 or visit your local emergency room for treatment.
Here are instructions to help you handle some of the most common dental emergencies:
In case of a toothache…
Use warm water to rinse your mouth, then floss all the way down to your gum line to see if there are any food particles lodged in the soft tissue surrounding the affected tooth. If this doesn’t seem to be the cause of your toothache or the area around your tooth feels warm, call our office to make an appointment.
If your lip, gum, cheek, or tongue gets cut…
Stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the area using a clean washcloth or piece of sterile gauze. Then, use a cold compress to bring down any swelling. If the bleeding will not stop, call your physician or go to the emergency room for treatment.
If a baby tooth gets knocked out…
Call our office to make an appointment for your child.
If a permanent tooth gets knocked out…
Call our office as soon as possible for an emergency appointment. Hold the tooth by the crown (don’t touch the root, as this can make it more difficult for the gums to reattach) and rinse it gently with water to remove any debris. Try to push the tooth back into the socket and then bite down on a piece of sterile gauze to hold it in place until your appointment. If you cannot do this, place the tooth in a small container of milk or saliva and bring it with you to our office.
If a tooth gets chipped or broken…
Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water and try to locate the piece of broken tooth. Place it in a small container of saliva or milk and bring it to our office; we may be able to bond it back to your tooth. If you’re experiencing swelling, use a cold compress for relief. Call us to make an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Emergency Dentistry
Does the ER handle dental emergencies?
If you’re experiencing a severe dental emergency during a time when our office is closed, we do advise you to go to the hospital for care. That said, this is not ideal—emergency rooms do not have dentists on staff, so you will still need to make an appointment with us to get the dental care you need. The ER can help manage your pain, drain an abscess, or prescribe antibiotics in case of an infection, but they do not provide dental services.
Can a tooth infection go away on its own?
Tooth infections, or dental abscesses, are considered a dental emergency because there is a risk that the infection can spread to surrounding teeth, soft tissues, bone, and even other parts of the body via your bloodstream. When this occurs, it can be fatal. Tooth infections do not simply go away, so it’s important to get prompt treatment.
Why is my tooth throbbing?
If you’re experiencing throbbing pain in your tooth, it’s likely that you need dental treatment. This kind of pain is often a sign of an infection in the pulp of the tooth, which requires a root canal.