A tooth extraction is a procedure performed routinely in most dental offices. While dentists work hard to save natural teeth, situations may arise that make pulling the tooth the best option for oral and overall health, such as extensive decay, infection, or overcrowding. Yet, despite the reason for the extraction, the healing time varies from patient to patient. Knowing what …
How Much Does A Teeth Cleaning Cost in Montgomery, AL?
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that patients have their teeth cleaned professionally at least once every six months. This will reduce buildup and keep teeth happy and healthy. It also plays a notable role in maintaining overall health, too. What Happens at a Teeth Cleaning? If you have never had a teeth cleaning or if it has been a …
Should I Get A Crown Or Pull The Tooth?
Determining whether you should get a dental crown or have a tooth extracted will depend on the natural tooth itself. Although saving the tooth whenever possible is always the best solution, it is not always possible. Should you get a crown or pull the tooth? Let’s find out. What is a Dental Crown? Sometimes referred to as a cap, dental …
How Do You Stop Bleeding After A Tooth Extraction?
Dentists take every step imaginable to try to save an ailing tooth. After all, they know that there are no artificial replacements that can match the power your natural teeth. Times will arise, unfortunately, when all efforts are exhausted and the only thing left to do is extract it. Extraction procedures are often routine and rather quick. The healing is, …
How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?
The importance of dental hygiene cannot be overstated. Regular brushing and flossing are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. However, even the most diligent oral care routine needs to be supplemented by professional dental cleanings. But how often should you really be getting them? Many people may assume that twice a year is the standard recommendation, but the truth …
How Much Does A Dental Crown Cost in Montgomery, AL
Dental crowns serve a wide purpose in the world of dentistry as they are used in many different situations. And they are a common treatment option for patients both young and old. As they have evolved over the years, dental crowns of today look more and more like natural teeth – and they have greater functionality, too. If you are …
How Long Does It Take To Get A Dental Crown?
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 1 in 4 people in America have untreated tooth decay. Although dental fillings can restore teeth with mild to moderate decay, teeth with significant decay may require a dental crown. If your dentist informs you that you need a dental crown, rest assured the treatment won’t take long. In fact, …
How Long Does A Tooth Extraction Take?
Despite being an extremely common dental procedure, tooth extraction can still be a cause for anxiety and confusion among patients who are unsure of how the procedure actually works. However, tooth extraction doesn’t have to be this way and innovations in technology along with a skilled dentist can make this procedure fast and relatively painless. In this article, we’ll give …
How Do You Relieve TMJ Pain?
Pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is more than just common. It’s second only to lower back pain in terms of the most frequent musculoskeletal pain people experience. From occasional aches and soreness to severe cases that make chewing painful, people experience a wide range of symptoms from TMJ disorders. If you’ve recently developed pain in the jaw joint, read …
How Much Is Teeth Whitening in Montgomery, AL?
Teeth whitening is one of the most affordable cosmetic dental treatments available. The cost of teeth whitening in Montgomery, AL, will depend upon whether you opt for whitening (bleaching) performed at your dentist’s office or purchase a take-home kit from your dentist. In-office teeth whitening typically costs $400-$600, while take-home kits are often available for between $200-$300. Read on to …
How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
One of the many reasons that dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth is because they are incredibly long-lasting. In fact, dental implants can be expected to last at least 20 years. However, with excellent oral hygiene habits, and regular dental cleanings and exams, some patients find that their dental implants last a lifetime. Just because dental …
What Are Dental Crowns?
Over the course of your life, your teeth will get damaged for a variety of reasons. Accidents and unexpected injuries, diseases, and natural decay can all lead to tooth damage. However, just because your teeth are damaged doesn’t mean you have to replace the whole tooth. Often, a dental crown is the best solution for repairing injured teeth. A dental …
How Long Do All-on-4 Implants Last?
It’s an uncomfortable subject, but it’s a fact: Tooth loss affects not only function but also your appearance and self-confidence. Removable dentures are a possible solution, but they’re far from ideal for many patients. All-on-Four dental implants provide a permanent solution to tooth loss, restoring self-esteem and functionality. Keep reading to learn if All-on-Four implants are right for you. What …
What Is A Dry Socket After A Tooth Extraction?
Whether it’s wisdom teeth or a compromised tooth that cannot be saved with restorative procedures, you may be in need of a tooth extraction. Though they may sound frightful, extractions are a relatively common part of general dentistry. Understanding what’s involved and what to do to aid in your recovery can help calm your nerves and put fears to rest …
How Long Does A Teeth Cleaning Take?
Professional teeth cleanings are a necessary part of maintaining your dental and oral health. Dentists and dental health experts recommend having your teeth cleaned every 6 months. If you’re not already keeping this schedule, you may have some questions, such as: how long does a teeth cleaning take? Here’s what you can expect. Average Length of a Teeth Cleaning An …
The Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are considered the most conservative tooth restoration treatment in dentistry. But before getting one, you should be aware of the pros and cons. This article will look at the advantages and disadvantages of dental crowns for oral health. What is a Dental Crown? Dental crowns are caps used to cover a tooth that has been damaged beyond repair. …
Top 10 Causes of Bad Breath & Prevention Tips
If you’ve ever popped a mint or chewed a piece of gum before a big date or important meeting, you’re not alone. Bad breath, aka halitosis, is a pretty common occurrence. It can be embarrassing, but once you know what’s behind your bad breath, you can take steps to prevent it. Learn more about the most common causes of bad …
Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth: Does It Make a Difference?
Sensitive teeth is a common condition. If your teeth ache when you eat or drink something cold, hot, or sweet, you may have sensitive teeth. The discomfort you feel can be intense at times and even cause you to avoid the foods and drinks you love. But you shouldn’t have to, because there are ways to reduce sensitivity. One option …
Dry Mouth: What You Need to Know
Having a dry mouth can be both an inconvenience and a danger to your oral health. And, at some point, everyone is going to deal with this — whether it is upon waking in the morning, working out too hard, or even when nervous before a presentation. This kind of dry mouth is one that goes away with a glass …
Can I Get Dental Work During Pregnancy?
Do you need a cavity filling, a root canal, or some other dental procedure? These and many others are routine procedures, except now you’re pregnant. Can you still get your dental work done? This is a common question, and a totally understandable one. When you’re pregnant you question everything because you want to make sure you and your baby are …
Bone Grafting for Dental Implants: What You Should Know
Dental implants are one of the most common tooth replacement options. An implant consists of a titanium tooth root that must be surgically placed in the jaw bone with an artificial tooth root attached to the top. Because of the way an implant works, sometimes bone grafting is required in preparation for the placement of a dental implant. Has your …
What to Expect From a Smile Makeover
Are you interested in a smile makeover? If you’re not happy with how your smile looks in pictures or in the mirror, your dentist can help you make improvements. The procedures and treatments used to improve your smile are referred to as a smile makeover. Making improvements to your smile can increase your confidence and help you to smile more …
What Are the Different Types of Dental Crowns?
Are you in need of a dental crown? If a tooth is severely decayed or is damaged in some way, such as a crack or a chip, your dentist may recommend restoring it with a crown. A crown is sometimes referred to as a cap because it is essentially a cover for the existing tooth. It allows the natural tooth …
How to Prevent Cavities: What You Should Know
Taking care of your teeth is important to prevent cavities and maintain good oral health. What is the best way to do that? Of course you know you should brush and floss your teeth, but even patients who do that may still develop cavities. What causes cavities to develop and how can you prevent them? Here’s some helpful information, some …
How Often to Brush, Floss, and Have Your Teeth Cleaned
You probably know the importance of brushing, flossing, and having your teeth cleaned at the dentist. But do you know how often is best? Are you following the best possible routine for your dental health? If you have any doubts, consider this advice for proper dental hygiene. How Often Should You Brush Your Teeth?On average, dentists usually recommend that you …
How Dry Mouth Affects Your Oral Health
While most patients regard dry mouth as a minor inconvenience, it can actually have a serious impact on your oral health beyond bad breath and cracked lips. Here’s what you need to know about dry mouth and its effect on your teeth and gums. Dry Mouth and Your Oral HealthThe most common complaint that patients have relating to dry mouth …
3 Reasons to See Your Dentist Regularly
Although the American Dental Association recommends dental visits every six months, many patients fall out of the routine of making regular appointments. Whether it’s because of work obligations or because you came down with the flu, canceling that one appointment can quickly lead to a series of missed appointments and suddenly it’s been years since your last visit. If this …
Dental Implant Pain and Recovery: What to Expect
Whether you have implant surgery scheduled or you’re still researching your options, you’re likely wondering how painful it is to get dental implants and what you can expect from the recovery. The good news? Getting dental implants is a lot less painful than most people think it will be. Here’s what you should know. What to Expect During Your Dental …
4 Reasons to Invest in Cosmetic Dentistry
Could your smile use a makeover? If you’ve ever wished for a whiter, brighter, or straighter smile, you are an ideal candidate for cosmetic dentistry. Dental procedures that are performed in order to improve the appearance of teeth fall under the category of cosmetic dentistry. Sometimes cosmetic procedures are all that is required to improve your smile. Other times restorative …
How Porcelain Veneers Can Improve Your Smile
Do you wish for a better looking smile? If you look at yourself in pictures or in the mirror and you aren’t satisfied with the look of your teeth, there are ways to make improvements. A smile makeover can transform your smile using a variety of treatments. Veneers are one cosmetic dental procedure that can give your teeth a facelift. …
A Complete Guide to Flossing Teeth
Do you floss your teeth on a daily basis? The importance of flossing is most likely stressed to you by your dentist or dental hygienist each time you go in for cleanings. Why is flossing so important to your oral health? The Importance of FlossingYou probably know that one purpose of flossing is to remove food particles from between your …
How to Maintain your Oral Health During Pregnancy
When you’re pregnant, maintaining your oral health is more important than ever. The baby that is growing and developing inside you will strip your body of many of the nutrients you need in order to get what they need. There are many other reasons why your oral health, as well as your overall health, is more at risk during pregnancy, …
How to Conserve Water While Practicing Good Oral Hygiene
Did you know that you can save water and still practice good oral hygiene at the same time? Your dentist tells you to brush your teeth at least twice a day, but you don’t want to waste water. So how do you reconcile these two needs? By practicing good water conservation habits and good oral care habits at the same …
7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath for Good
Chronic bad breath is an embarrassing problem to have. What makes it even worse is that halitosis can have a myriad of causes, which makes finding the source of the issue and resolving it that much harder. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to banish bad breath, almost every case we see at our dental practice can be addressed by one …
4 Tips to Protect Your Teeth As You Get Older
As you age, you may have more concerns about the appearance and health of your teeth. While you can’t prevent everything, there are actions that you can take to protect your teeth as you get older starting today. Here are four dental tips that everyone should consider, regardless of your current age. Eat HealthilyEating a healthy diet can help your …
3 Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush
As more toothbrush manufacturers have started to sell electronic toothbrushes, there has never been a better time to ditch your manual toothbrush in favor of the new electronic model. There are electronic toothbrushes available in every price range, including some very affordable options sold in pharmacy and grocery stores near the manual toothbrushes that you already buy. Some other models …
4 Myths About Dental Implants
Over the past 10 years, dental implants have become a go-to dental solution for tooth loss. When completed, dental implants look and function just like natural teeth. In many cases, a dental implant can last a patient’s lifetime. Unfortunately, there are some pervasive myths surrounding implants that a number of patients believe. Here are four myths about dental implants worth …
Need a Full Mouth Reconstruction? Here’s What You Should Know
Are you considering having a full mouth reconstruction? Whether your dentist has recommended it or you’re interested in improving your smile, you may be wondering what exactly a full reconstruction entails. Here’s what you need to know about it from the procedures that may be involved to the length of time you can expect the entire process to take. A …
What’s More Important to You: Your Hair or Your Teeth?
Your appearance matters when it comes to making a positive first impression. When you think about how you look, which is more important to you, your hair or your teeth? While your hair is a very prominent aspect of your appearance, your teeth might be making a bigger impression. When you meet someone new, you most likely shake hands and …